Abstract:Objective:To investigate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis(UC).
:Methods :The clinical data of 5 cases who underwent laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of ulcerative colitis were reviewed.
:Results:All 5 cases successfully underwent laparoscopic surgery. Among them, 4 had total proctocolectomy and ileal pouchanastomosis(IPAA), and 1 had subtotal colectomy plus total proctectomy, and cecumanal anastomosis.The median operating time was 7.5(6.5-9)h, the median blood loss was 250(150-400)mL, the median time to begin semifluid intake after operation was 62(60-86)h, the median time of hospital stay was 12(10-14)d, Postoperative pelvic infection occurred in 1 case, adhesive intestinal obstruction occurred in another case. The median followup time was 22(10-34)months, and the average number of daily bowel movement was 6.5(4-10)d; they were relapsefree, and had normal daily living and work at followup.
:Conclusions:Laparoscopic surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis is associated with minor trauma and rapid recovery, and is safe and reliable, but further accumulation of cases is required.