Abstract:Objective:To screen the associated proteins of clinical stage of colorectal carcinoma(CRC) in order to provide the basis of molecular biological stages and outcome prediction of CRC.
Methods :Total protein from colorectal carcinoma tissues were extracted, differential proteome profiles were established and analysized by means of immobilized pH gradient-based two-dimesional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(2D-PAGE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS). Immunohistochemical method was used to assess the results mentioned above.
Results:Well-resolved, reproducible 2-DE profiles of human colorectal carcinoma tissues were obtained. Avarage protein dots were 970±41,980±32,1010±43,1240±34 in stageⅠ, stageⅡ, stageⅢ, stageⅣ, respectively; compared to stageⅠ, differential expressed protein dots was 52.00±12 in stageⅡ; 42.00±11 in stageⅢ; 72.00±15 in stageⅣ ;30 differentail expressing proteins were analysized by mass spectrometry and bioinformation, part of them were well characterized . Three proteins (Annexin Ⅱ,Annexin Ⅳ and HSP27) were overexpressed in stageⅡ, stageⅢ, stageⅣ, and Liver fatty acid-binding protein(LFABP) was only overexpressed in stageⅣ. Resullts of immunohistochemical assay for AnnexinⅡ and LFABP were consistant with proteomic results.
Conclusions:Differentail expressed proteins exist in different clinical stage of CRC, which would be as biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of prognosis of CRC.