Objective:To explore the effect of breastconserving therapy for breast cancer(BCT) and its prognosis. Methods:The clinical data of 69 cases of BCT admitted from January 1992 to December 2003 were analyzed retrospectively. The cases included those who had BCT without radiotherapy and those who had BCT with adjuvant radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. The patients were followed up for 12 to 140 months. Results:The 3year recurrence rate for patients without radiotherapy (11.54%) was higher than that for those with radiotherapy (3.03%) (P<0.05). In nodepositive patients, the 5year distant metastasis rate for patients without chemotherapy(49.21%) was higher than that for those with chemotherapy (7.81%) (P<0.05) . Conclusions:Radiotherapy must be given after BCT. Patients who are young or nodepositive, or have histological grade III tumor should receive adjuvant chemotherapy.