

孙昀, Email: 1274665022@qq.com


安徽省教育厅 2017 年度高校自然科学基金资助项目(KJ2017A183)。

Emphysematous pancreatitis: a report of three cases and literature review 

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    结果:患者1,男,72岁;因腹痛12 h入院,CT提示急性胰腺炎征象,入院第5 天出现高热,当日复查腹部CT提示胰腺坏死、胰周大范围气体影,急诊行胰周坏死组织清除术,术后28 d出现腹膜后大出血,保守治疗无好转当日自动出院并于当日死亡。患者2,女,70岁;腹痛1 d入院,入院时即表现为感染性休克,入院CT提示胰腺炎伴腹膜后积气影,当日急诊行腹腔镜探查+中转开腹胰腺被膜切开减压+腹腔引流术,术后休克持续加重并出现多脏器功能不全不能纠正,于术后4 d自动出院并于当日死亡。患者3,男,76岁;因腹痛20 h余入院,入院CT提示急性胰腺炎,未见腹膜后气体影。入院9 d复查CT提示胰腺显示不清,胰周积气,给予经皮穿刺置管引流,入院25 d出现腹膜后大出血,给予介入栓塞治疗。入院1个月行剖腹胰周坏死组织清除+横结肠造瘘术,术后1个月痊愈出院。文献报道,EP的病死率可以达到10%~36%,但与病死率相关的风险因素尚未明确,总体上,早发型EP预后差,迟发型EP预后相对较好。


    Background and Aims: Emphysematous pancreatitis (EP) is regarded as a rare form of necrotizing pancreatitis, with a high mortality. However, it has not been definitely classified so far, and also no consensus on its treatment protocol has been reached at home and abroad. Here, the authors summarize the clinical features, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment as well as outcomes of 3 cases of EP, so as to provide help for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of this condition in future. 
    Methods: The clinical data of 3 patients admitted and diagnosed with EP were retrospectively analyzed. The relevant literature was reviewed and discussed. 
    Results: Case 1 was a 72-year-old male patient who was admitted due to abdominal pain for 12 h and abdominal CT revealed the signs of acute pancreatitis. The patient developed a high-grade fever on the 5th day of admission, and reexamination abdominal CT on the that day showed pancreatic necrosis and diffuse gas shadows in the peripancreatic region, and then, an emergency peripancreatic necrosectomy was performed. Massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurred on the 28th day after operation, and the patient was discharged on that day after failure of conservative treatment and died on the same day. Case 2 was a 70-year-old woman who was admitted for severe abdominal pain for 1 d, and presented with septic shock on admission. CT scan on the admission day showed pancreatitis complicated with gas collections in the retroperitoneal space. Emergency laparoscopic exploration and converted open incision of the pancreatic capsule for decompression plus abdominal drainage was performed. The shock status continued to worsen and multiple organ dysfunction appeared which could not be corrected after operation. The patient was discharged on her own request 4 d after operation and died on the same day. Case 3, 71-year-old man, was hospitalized for abdominal pain for 20 h. CT scan showed acute pancreatitis without retroperitoneal gas. On the 9th day of admission, reexamination CT showed blurred contours of the pancreas and gas collections in the peripancreatic region, and percutaneous catheter drainage (PCD) was performed. On the 25th day of admission, massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurred, and interventional embolization was performed. One month after admission, laparotomy necrosectomy plus transverse colostomy was performed, and the patients recovered and was discharged from hospital 30 d after surgery. According the literature, the mortality rate of EP reached 10%–36%, and risk factors associated with mortality have not been well summarized. Generally, fulminant type EP was associated with a poor prognosis and subacute type EP had a relatively benign prognosis.
    Conclusion: EP is a rare and life-threatening necrotizing infection of the pancreas. CT is the first choice for diagnosis of EP. Regardless of whether for the fulminant type or the subacute type EP, active antimicrobial therapy, early percutaneous catheter drainage and other minimally invasive treatment as well as delayed surgery are helpful to improve the prognosis.


曹利军, 张频捷, 胡秋源, 陈虎, 孙昀.气肿性胰腺炎3例报告并文献复习[J].中国普通外科杂志,2020,29(9):1098-1104.
DOI:10.7659/j. issn.1005-6947.2020.09.010

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  • 收稿日期:2019-04-26
  • 最后修改日期:2020-03-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2020-09-25