
桂林医学院第二附属医院 肝胆胰外科,广西 桂林 541199





Transsinus nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation drainage for postoperative intra-abdominal infection: 4 cases report and literature review

Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin, Guangxi 541199, China

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    背景与目的 术后腹腔感染(PIAI)是腹部外科常见的术后并发症,也是处理棘手的世界性难题,治疗失败率为68.3%,住院病死率高达40.8%。处理该病的关键在于尽早控制感染源,清创与充分引流;感染源延迟控制是预测其治疗失败的独立风险因素。由于不少PIAI病灶位于腹腔内,没有较好的穿刺引流路径;而且再次手术的难度和风险极大,因此控制PIAI的感染源并非易事。笔者报告4例经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流治疗PIAI患者的诊治经过,以期为临床提供参考和借鉴。方法 回顾性分析桂林医学院第二附属医院肝胆胰外科2020年10月—2022年9月收治的4例经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流治疗PIAI患者的临床资料,并结合文献总结经窦道肾镜处理PIAI的要点。结果 4例PIAI患者分别为重症急性胰腺炎穿刺置管引流后右侧腹膜后脓肿,右半肝切除术后肝创面脓肿,腹腔镜胆总管切开取石T管引流术后胆汁漏及继发性十二指肠瘘,以及胰体尾联合脾脏切除术后胰腺创面脓肿,上述患者经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流处理:经引流管窦道插入导丝,并在其引导下插入微创扩张引流套件及肾镜,经肾镜冲洗排出脓液和经异物钳夹出脓苔,之后在导丝引导下置入冲洗引流管,术后继续冲洗引流。4例PIAI患者共接受了5次经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流术,其中1例患者接受了2次;术前置管时间14~58 d,平均38.4 d;其中1例患者同期进行经T管窦道胆道镜取石胆道引流;手术操作时间为30~115 min,平均67.4 min;除1例术中出现少量出血,经鞘管注入稀释去甲肾上腺素液并阻塞鞘管出血停止,其余3例未出现手术并发症;术后置管时间7~30 d,平均20.75 d;经治疗后所有患者PIAI病灶消失,术后随访16~40个月,未见复发。结论 经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流治疗PIAI简单易行,直视下操作避免损伤脏器,安全可靠;不仅能清除脓液及脓苔,更换引流管,而且还可反复操作,效率高,效果显著;特别适合术后腹腔引流管引流不畅且合并包裹性腹腔积液的患者。


    Background and Aims Postoperative intra-abdominal infection (PIAI) is a common postoperative complication in abdominal surgery and a challenging issue worldwide, with a treatment failure rate of 68.3% and an in-hospital mortality rate as high as 40.8%. The key to managing this condition is early control of the infection source, debridement and adequate drainage. Delayed control of the infection source is an independent risk factor for predicting treatment failure. Many PIAI lesions are located deep within the abdominal cavity, lacking optimal routes for percutaneous drainage, and the risks and difficulties of reoperation are significant. Thus, controlling the infection source in PIAI is a difficult task. Here, the authors report the management of 4 PIAI patients treated with nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation and drainage via the sinus tract, aiming to provide clinical insights and references.Methods The clinical data of 4 patients undergoing nephroscopic debridement, catheter irrigation and drainage for PIAI from October 2020 to September 2022 in the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University were retrospectively analyzed. Key techniques of nephroscopic management of PIAI were summarized and contextualized with relevant literature.Results The 4 PIAI cases included a right-sided retroperitoneal abscess after catheter drainage for severe acute pancreatitis, a hepatic abscess at the liver raw surface after right hemihepatectomy, bile leakage and secondary duodenal fistula after laparoscopic choledocholithotomy and T-tube drainage, and a pancreatic abscess at the pancreatic raw surface after distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. All patients underwent nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation and drainage via the sinus tract: guidewires were inserted into the drainage sinus tract, followed by a minimally invasive expansion drainage kit and nephroscopy; pus was irrigated out, and pus moss was clamped out with foreign body forceps under nephroscopy. Then, irrigation drainage tubes were placed under the guidance of the guidewire, and continuous irrigation and drainage were performed. The 4 patients underwent a total of 5 nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation and drainage procedures, with one case requiring two operations. The preoperative catheterization time ranged from 14 to 58 d, with an average of 38.4 d. One patient concurrently underwent choledochoscopy for stone extraction and biliary drainage via the T-tube sinus tract. The operative time ranged from 30 to 115 min, with an average of 67.4 min. Aside from one case of minor intraoperative bleeding, which stopped after injecting diluted norepinephrine solution into the sheath and blocking the sheath, there were no surgical complications in the other three cases. The postoperative drainage tube duration ranged from 7 to 30 d, with an average of 20.75 d. After treatment, all PIAI lesions disappeared, and no recurrence was observed during follow-up, which ranged from 16 to 40 months.Conclusion Nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation and drainage via the sinus tract for PIAI is simple, feasible, and safe, allowing for direct visualization to avoid organ damage. It is effective in removing pus and necrotic tissue, replacing drainage tubes, and can be repeatedly performed with high efficiency and remarkable results. This method is particularly suitable for patients with postoperative abdominal drainage tube obstruction combined with encapsulated intra-abdominal fluid collections.

    图1 重症急性胰腺炎合并右侧腹膜后脓肿经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流处理 A-E:重症急性胰腺炎合并右侧腹膜后大片积液,经CT引导右侧腹膜后穿刺置管引流后复查积液残留;F-J:经窦道肾镜清创,期间创面出血,止血后置管冲洗引流,之后再次经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流,复查积液消失Fig.1 Management of severe acute pancreatitis concurrent with right retroperitoneal abscess via sinus tract nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation drainage A-E: Severe acute pancreatitis complicated by extensive right retroperitoneal fluid collection, and post-procedural CT scans following right retroperitoneal puncture and catheter drainage under CT guidance revealed residual fluid; F-J: Subsequent sinus tract nephroscopic debridement was performed during which active bleeding from the wound was successfully managed, this was followed by catheter irrigation drainage, and further nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation drainage through the sinus tract were implemented, with subsequent imaging confirming the resolution of the fluid collection
    图2 肝切除术后肝创面大片脓肿经引流管插细管冲洗负压引流及经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流处理 A-C:肝创面大片积液,经橡胶引流管开小口插入吸痰管后冲洗并负压引流,复查CT肝创面积液较前缩小;D-G:术区贴防水膜,肾镜直视下异物钳夹取病灶脓苔,操作完毕后经窦道置入冲洗引流管,复查CT肝创面积液消失Fig.2 Management of extensive abscesses on the hepatic resection surface following hepatectomy through a multifaceted approach involving small-tube irrigation via a drainage tube, negative pressure drainage, and debridement using a nephroscope through the sinus tract, complemented by subsequent placement of an irrigation drainage tube A-C: A significant fluid accumulation was noted on the hepatic surface, management involved creating a small orifice in the rubber drainage tube to insert a suction catheter for irrigation and negative pressure drainage, and subsequent CT imaging demonstrated a marked reduction in the size of the fluid collection; D-G: A waterproof membrane was applied to the operative field, under direct visualization provided by a nephroscope, the lesion was meticulously debrided using foreign body forceps, upon completion of the debridement, an irrigation drainage tube was placed via the sinus tract, and follow-up CT imaging confirmed the complete resolution of the fluid collection on the liver surface
    图3 腹腔镜胆总管切开取石T管引流术后胆汁漏及继发性十二指肠瘘经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流处理 A-D:复发性肝胆管结石,行腹腔镜下胆总管切开探查取石T管引流术,同时放置温氏孔引流管;E-I:进食后引温氏孔引出食物,CT及T管造影提示十二指肠瘘,经T管窦道胆道镜取石胆道引流+经温氏孔引流管窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流,术后复查十二指肠瘘愈合Fig.3 Postoperative management of bile leak and secondary duodenal fistula following laparoscopic choledochotomy with T-tube drainage A-D: Recurrent hepatobiliary calculi were addressed via laparoscopic choledochotomy and stone extraction, followed by T-tube drainage and the concurrent placement of a winslow foramina drainage tube; E-I: Postprandial efflux through the winslow foramina revealed the presence of food particles, CT and T-tube cholangiography confirmed the diagnosis of a duodenal fistula, the therapeutic strategy included endoscopic lithotripsy and biliary drainage through the T-tube sinus tract, supplemented by nephroscopic debridement, irrigation, and drainage via the winslow foramina drainage tube, and postoperative follow-up validated the complete resolution of the duodenal fistula
    图4 胰体尾联合脾脏切除术后胰腺创面脓肿经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流处理 A-D: 开放性腹部损伤行胰体尾联合脾脏切除术;E-G:CT提示胰腺断面及左侧腹壁下包裹性积液,行超声引导下穿刺置管引流,复查CT提示胰腺断面积液残留;H-K:经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流,复查CT提示胰腺断面积液消失Fig.4 Management of pancreatic abscess after distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy via sinus tract nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation drainage A-D: Open abdominal trauma managed with distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy; E-G: CT imaging demonstrates encapsulated fluid accumulation at the pancreatic resection margin and left lower abdominal wall, and ultrasound-guided percutaneous catheter drainage was performed, with subsequent CT imaging indicating residual fluid at the resection site; H-K: Sinus tract nephroscopic debridement followed by catheter irrigation drainage was conducted, with follow-up CT imaging confirming the resolution of fluid collection at the pancreatic resection site
    表 1 4例经窦道肾镜清创并置管冲洗引流治疗PIAI患者的诊治过程Table 1 Diagnosis and treatment of 4 PIAI patients with transsinus nephroscopic debridement and catheter irrigation and drainage

DOI:10.7659/j. issn.1005-6947.2024.09.019

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-03
  • 最后修改日期:2024-08-19
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-10-12